Friday 19 August 2016



The most populous black nation on earth has been found to have the best and the most cultured men and fathers in the world. Despite the economic hardship that is prevalent in a third world nation like Nigeria, many have closely observed the commitment of the Nigerian man and Father to provide and protect for his immediate family.

A Nigerian father is the last to go to bed in the home. He sits in the living room listening to news and ensuring the country is still a safe abode for the family.

He gets up at intervals to check if all the gates and doors are properly locked. He checks the kitchen to be sure everything is in place, the cooking gas is off and locked, the backdoor is locked and there are no funny sounds from around the backdoor area, store or kitchen cabinet.

We don’t have 911 to call in Nigeria or security gadgets installed in the home to alert police when there is a break-in.

Nigerian men guard and protect their homes with intuition. Interesting what people have to go through in a third world nation that has refused to grow.

He makes sure the bigger generator has enough fuel to run till about 12midnight while the air conditioner is on in the room so the room can be cozy for wife and kids.

He is up at 1am to change to the small generator because of fuel
While changing to the small generator, he is looking around to still be sure there are no intruders in the premises and that the barking dog outside is not of serious concern.

He goes to bed and is awake at 5:00am to switch over to the big generator so the family can boil water to bath, kids can use the micro wave for school and the pumping machine is on for water.

Puts on the TV to check the news and be sure that the country he left to go to bed the night before is still the same country he is waking up to. No bombing around the city, Fulani herdsmen have not invaded neighboring communities and the Naija delta avengers haven’t decided to fire their arsenal into the city area.

Although we  know we are not as romantic as the men of the western world, but you must also understand that it is difficult to be a security man, a generator operator and a provider for the family and still look like Denzel Washington and act like George Clooney.
We will get better in the area of romance and care; we are working at it seriously.

My personal reaction to write-up above on a responsible father is that it is absolutely correct. Is he adequately appreciated by other members of the family? May be father's reward is in heaven. I feel part of it should be discounted for father to enjoy in life before leaving for heaven. What becomes of a father that goes to hell? Everything is lost!!

What is your own opinion?

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