Friday 19 August 2016

DO YOU KNOW ? Must read...

A 🐇🐇 RABBIT runs, jumps, moves faster and lives for only fifteen (15) years while  a 🐢🐢 TORTOISE doesn' t even attempt any of such activities but lives for 150 years or more?

LESSON: Life is not about rushing,🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽 comparison 👥👥 and doing what others are doing👯👯 but rather keep calm and do what is right and what you are ☎☎ called to do. They may live in the same forest 🌴🌿🌾🌿🌴and play together but have different life expectancy. We must remember that we will have 👬👭 age mates, 🎓🎓class mates, school mates,

🏫🏦🏢office mates but there are no 'Destiny mates' in  life. Be who you are 📣📣📣called to be, love who you are and thank God for your special journey🚶🏽🚴🏽?🏇🏽🏍⛴🚍🚘🛫 which may not look like others!! This is the simplest way to succeed in life!! God Bless you, 💰💷💶 and keep looking 🔭🔭forward because those beside you may not be going exactly where u are going!!!🛣🛣

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