Sunday 9 October 2016

Is President Muhammed Buhari leading by example? Must Read...

One of the core quality  a good leader should possess is 'walking the talk'. This phrase 'walking the talk' simply means doing what you said.

A good leader is task to lead by example and I personally thought this has been met and fulfilled by the present administration led by PMB when they launched "The Change Begins With Me" and promoting consumption of "Made in Nigeria " products. But my JOY was SHORT-LIVED.

Last week, the biography of PMB was launched, guess what, the author was an AMERICAN! For a president who has been campaigning for consumption of "Made in Nigeria" products, this was nothing but betrayal. Is PMB walking his talk? Is PMB consuming "Made in Nigeria" products?

Sir, you (PMB) cannot be promoting consumption of clothes made in Kano, shoes made in Aba and be patronising writers in the USA! The question I will need the presidency to address is that;

The so-called biography is nothing but propaganda! The American writer can only write based on the documents carefully selected and presented to him.
Action speaks louder than voice, someone also said 'what you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you are saying'. We therefore huge PMB to walk his talk, lead by example and follow the crusade he and is party initiated.

PS: I am not under any influence in the course of writing these, am just drive with the motive and hunger of living in better Nigeria.

I am A.O Oseni.

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