Sunday 9 October 2016

A word from the genius.... Must read!!!!

Give Us What We Deserve!

It quite unfortunate when people denied you what you deserve because of what you don't choose for yourself. Human are victimised by birth, some were born --Christian, Muslim, Yoruba,Hausa, Igbo.....

Many individual went for interview and returned qualified but eventually not getting the job because of their religion / ethnic. (NOTE: We have to keep friend for friendship and work with the qualified and expert).

Some family also denied their child /ward eternal happiness under the slogan "we know what is best for you/we can't lead you astray" but instructing your child/ward not to marry who they love because that person is from another part of the country or even from a neighbourhood town. Did you really love your child/ward when you take from them what makes them happy?

Been born into a family/ethnic  is not our fault but not choosing our family will be our greatest regret.
Is high time we walk our talk as ONE NIGERIA and STOP DISCRIMINATING.
Movement for one Nigeria!
Movement for good marriage!
Movement for qualify above familiarity!

I am A.O Oseni

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