Saturday 3 September 2016


Some 10 years ago, Diego Simeone played alongside Fernando Torres at Atlectico Madrid in Spain.

Then, Torres was the Club Captain despite being far younger than Simeone; Torres was in charge of the dressing room in the absence of the coaches. He was so influential that he even had a say on the team selection.

Fast forward 10 years later; Diego Simeone is now Fernando Torres coach. This came at a point when Torres had journeyed from Spain to England & Italy with his career almost dead as he has being rejected by Chelsea & AC Milan.

But Diego Simeone brought him back to Altectico Madrid & thus resuscitated his career.


》 If Torres was rude or disrespectful to Simeone as the Club Captain 10 years ago, would he have had the opportunity to play at the 2016 UEFA Champions League Finals?

In 2005, Diego Simeone was under Torres. He did what Torres ordered.

In 2016, Torres now takes orders from Simeone.

Life is like a fair COIN thrown up in the air. You can't really predict which side will turn up. No one stays TOP forever. NO ONE KNOWS TOMORROW.

You might be the Boss today. But when tomorrow comes, someone you 'bossed' might become your boss.

In 1985, Dazuki arrested Buhari.

In 2016, Buhari arrested Dazuki.

In 1995, Al Mustapha arrested Obasanjo on the orders of General Abacha.

In 1999, Obasanjo arrested Al Mustapha & he spent 8 years in jail.


In the 90's under Rawlings regime Dr. Spio Gabriel was minister of communications and   Mahama was his deputy, today John Mahama is the President and has employed his former boss as minister.
Lesson: Treat everyone with respect because you don't know what tomorrow has in stock.

A Boss today might become a Subordinate tomorrow.

Always use your powers & position cautiously & for the benefit of all.

Always stand for what is right, fair & just.

Like Mugabe said ...

"...treat the towel with care because the same place you use in cleaning your buttock today might be the same place you will use in cleaning your face tomorrow"...

All bad/good doers should REMEMBER TOMORROW.
Life na "TURN BY TURN"

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