Tuesday 18 November 2014

How to Arrange a Wedding Event? Simple Tips

“The real act of marriage takes place in
the heart , not in the ballroom or church
or synagogue . It ’ s a choice you make – not just on your wedding day , but over and
over again – and that choice is reflected in
the way you treat your husband or wife ” .
A beautiful quote by Barbara de Angelis tells
us a great deal about the feeling we have
when one goes in the bond of marriage . One
of the most important event of anyone of
our lives, we plan this event years before,
even before we have met our soul mate . We
try taking mental notes of wedding events
we attend and compile ideas for our own
event . Planning about our dress theme ,
wedding theme , flower arrangement ,
decoration of walk way towards the stage ,
wedding cake or so on .
wedding event
Here are few tips to plan and arrange a
wedding event perfectly :
A wedding event needs some decision weeks
before arranging :
– Number of guests
– Event either indoor or outdoor
– Dress code if any
– Wedding theme
– Color scheme
– Choice and color of flowers
Wedding Theme Decision
The first decision to take is a wedding
theme . The wedding theme usually helps us decide about the dress code if any . For
example if the wedding theme is a Roman
theme , the event would be best if arranged
outdoor ( day or night ). The dress code will
have to be white with a crown made of
leaves . Color scheme will have to be white
with touch of green here and there . Red
flowers in small quantity within the color
scheme of white and green will show the
importance of that place . This can be used
on the sides of the path way . We can also
use small white roman pillars and decorate
them with flowers on the side of walk way
leading to the stage .

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these professional tips for arranging a perfect wedding. My brother is going to get married at a Wedding location in Chicago. Your post gave me lots of ideas for table décor. Thanks for this great share!
